Business Solutions

Telcovas BSS enables digital engagement based customer-centric business operations allowing Communication Service Provider’s to benefit and monetize on improved Customer Experience (CeX) customer experience supporting business models for future innovations.

Based on modular architecture Telcovas BSS suite are flexible, business focused software solutions deployed globally. Telcovas BSS suite enables B2C and B2B revenue streams across both traditional services as well as digital services, 5G and IoT with convergence platform capabilities to handle all users and services.


Centralized Service Automation

The Right Automation Solution for Your Business Needs with Telcovas Automation Software. Choose from Tasks, Content, Workflows, Capture, Decisions, and Modelling Automation


Digital BSS

Our Digital BSS enables customer-centric business operations and digital engagement allowing Operators to monetize on improved customer.


Sales and Distribution

Our Sales & Distribution offering aims to simplify business operations and minimise operational overheads and losses .


Inspired Thinking That Simplifies Connections